iOS Mobile Applications Development Services

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iOS Applications Development Services

Building and delivering iOS apps on the basis of native programming languages like Swift and Objective-C to provide a superior performance.

iOS apps built to excel
Set the requirements and let us build your custom iOS application to power your business with an efficient solution.

Ridesharing apps usually consist of two separate in-app roles or apps: Driver’s and Passenger’s. Beside basic functionality, ridesharing apps require map APIs (Google Maps, MapKit), payment gateways (Stripe, PayPal) and in-app calling feature integration (Twilio, Bandwith).


When creating media streaming apps, we take care of seamless content delivery and work with trustful media processing platforms. Streaming apps require live video sharing (Livestream, Brightcove), in-app payments (PayPal, Stripe), local storage (Core Data, Storage), etc.

We Can Help You Succeed

Technologies for advanced iOS apps

Building and delivering iOS apps on the basis of native programming languages like Swift and Objective-C to provide a superior performance.

Big Data

● Big data architecture design, Apache Spark and Hadoop, HDFS, Hive, Pig, Impala, Oozie, EMR, Redshift

Media Expertise

Live Streaming and OTT delivery, Video Processing, Content Distribution Networks, Web RTC, FFMPEG, Wowza, DRM

Warehouse and inventory

Indoor positioning: Wi-Fi RTT, Indoorway, Navizon, Barcode: Google Vision API (Barcode API), Android Things: Cloud IoT Core, TensorFlow

Google Resources

Architecture: Room, ViewModel, LiveData and Lifecycle, Media and Web: media-compat library, ExoPlayer, PWA, Graphics and Games: Palette API, Glide, OpenGL ES, Sensors, Multi-window mode, Conversational Actions

IoT Expertise

Protocols: NFC, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, LPWAN, IPv6 over LoWPAN, Сommunication Security (TLS, DTLS) and Data Encryption, Artik module, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, AWS: Lambda, Kinesis, S3, SageMaker, Sumerian

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